The Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness
Sandra Bullen 2nd March
As part of this month's family meeting Sandra shared her thoughts about the Fruit of the Spirit in general, and in particular what the fruit of Faithfulness is all about. She focused on three aspects; God's faithfulness to us, the faithfulness we reflect back to Him, and our faithfulness to those around us. (No video this week) |
Hearing, Seeing, Touching the Word of Life (week 5)
Al Bullen 23rd February
Speaking from 1 John chapter 2 12-17, Al shares a generational message for the church, and outlines how we can stay clean and share our distinctive way of living in and with the world.
Hearing, Seeing, Touching the Word of Life (week 4)
Jill Stonehill 16th February
Based on the title 'Sharing our experiences of responding to God's voice' Jill poses four questions to help us reflect on what we've learnt over the first 3 talks in the current teaching series. 1) How do we hear God? 2) Where do we look to hear God’s voice? 3) What are our stories of responding to God’s prompting us? 4) Where has this made a difference to someone else?
Hearing, Seeing, Touching the Word of Life (week 3)
Nigel Rivers 9th February
Light versus Darkness - walking in the way of Jesus. Speaking from 1 John chapter 2, Nigel urges us to love as Jesus did: not just with words, but with selfless actions.
Hearing, Seeing, Touching the Word of Life (week 2)
Paul Wratten 26th January
'God is Light, so walk in the light of His forgiveness'. Paul urges us regularly to 'come clean' with God, as one of our Spiritual disciplines, because we can be confident that He will totally forgive us.
Hearing, Seeing, Touching the Word of Life (week 1)
Andy Read 19th January
Andy introduces our new teaching series in which we will looking at the three letters written by John: "Hearing, Seeing, Touching the Word of Life" (or more simply, "Love John").

2025 New Year Message
Anthea & Paul Wratten 12th January
Anthea and Paul encourage us as church family to pursue a deeper relationship with God in 2025.
Shining Like Stars
Andy Read 22nd December
The world we live in can be a dark place, but don’t just moan and grumble about it! Let's concentrate on living good lives ourselves, shining like stars in the darkness, as we hold on to Jesus, the Light of the World.
Wisdom For Life Part 6: Which Dream Are You Following? Slides
Nigel Stock 15th December
Nigel finishes off our series in the Wisdom books of the Bible by examining some of the statements made and questions raised in and by the Book of Ecclesiastes.
Wisdom For Life Part 5: Job - Do We Get What We Deserve?
Nigel Rivers 8th December
In this highly thought-provoking talk Nigel considers freewill, the difference between discipline and punishment, asks whether God "takes away", why bad things happen to good people, and reflects on why we love God.
YouTube clip
A Guide to the Season of Advent
Jill Stonehill 1st December
Jill asks how we're feeling about the start of Advent, then encourages us to Enjoy, Be Thankful, Share and Celebrate the season.
Wisdom For Life part 4: Wisdom In Context
Anthea Wratten 24th November
In our final look at the Wisdom revealed in Proverbs Anthea Wratten examines some of "30 Sayings from the Wise" contained in Chapters 22-24. She encourages us not to take any of them literally but rather to take time to uncover the underlying principles before applying them to our lives.
Wisdom For Life part 3: The Value of Seeking Wisdom
Anna Prinz 17th November
Anna considers the message of Proverbs chapters 1-4. Let's Listen to, Look for, Lean on and Learn from Wisdom.
Wisdom For Life part 2: An Introduction to the Bible's Wisdom Literature
Paul Wratten 10th November
The three 'Wisdom' books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job are there for a reason! Let's really dig into them over the next 6 weeks.
Faith to Possess the Land
Paula Weston 3rd November
Wisdom For Life part 1: Choice is a Spiritual Principle
Andy Read 27th October
Andy introduces this new teaching series which will be looking the Bible's three 'wisdom' books: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job. God has created us as freewill beings, empowered to make choices, intended for a loving relationship with Him. He wants us to walk with Him and look to Him for guidance in all of life. He has also sewn Wisdom into the fabric of our lives to help us make good choices.
My Story, Our Story (episode 4)
Nigel & Jean Stock 13th October
This week Phil & Cathy interview Nigel & Jean about some of their history, how God has led them in the past and what He is doing in their lives now. This week's audio and video files can only be accessed if you are logged in to the website. |
My Story, Our Story (episode 3)
Ali & Pete Hopkinson 13th October
This week Anthea interviews Ali & Pete about some of their history, how God has led them in the past and what He is doing in their lives now. This week's audio and video files can only be accessed if you are logged in to the website. |
The Fruit Of the Spirit: Goodness
Tina Oldham 6th October
This is the 'for the adults' part of Tina's talk at October's family meeting, in which she looks at the sixth fruit of the Spirit and reflects on the meaning of Goodness, and its challenges for us. |

My Story, Our Story (episode 2)
Amy & Paul Stock 29th September
This week Andy interviews Amy & Paul about some of their history, how God has led them in the past and what He is doing in their lives now. This week's audio and video files can only be accessed if you are logged in to the website. |
World Vision - Helping Vulnerable Children Worldwide
Matt Hyam 22nd September
Global charity World Vision has a long history of taking action that transforms the world. Their focus is on helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. Matt shares about his role and in particular the "Chosen" initiative in Uganda.

My Story, Our Story (episode 1)
Mark & Jenni Fulton 15th September
In this new series we will hear from several church members about some of their history, how God has guided them in the past and what He is doing in their lives now. In this first episode Anthea interviews Jenni & Mark. It's a powerful and moving testimony. NB This week's audio and video files can only be accessed if you are logged in to the website. |
The Lord's Prayer Bible Project Video
Anthea Wratten 8th September
Anthea explores the Lord's Prayer, concluding by encouraging us all to pray it regularly, just as Jesus did. She also stresses the importance of coming together to pray..... after all, it's the "Our Father", not the "My Father".
Mission IN Marlow Slides 'Life On The Frontline - Meet Anne' video
Matt Oldham 1st September
Matt outlines the 'mission' opportunities in the Marlow and High Wycombe area that River leads or supports, which anyone can get involved with. |
Mephibosheth: A Story of Challenging Inclusion
Paul Deriaz & Karen Rivers 4th August
Paul and Karen bring different perspectives on the challenges of being radically inclusive. Firstly Paul looks at the biblical narrative and interviews Emma W to ask her advice on how to reach out to those with disabilities. Then Karen reflects on some of the tough challenges she has faced in living with and loving people who she found it very hard to get along with in her own strength.
Zacchaeus: A Story of a Radical Non-Religious Encounter with Jesus
Sue Harley & Jacob Wratten 28th July
Sue and Jacob explore the account of Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus, and the lessons and challenges it has for us today.
Ruth and Boaz: A Story of Generosity that removed Ethnic Barriers
Amy Stock & Matt Oldham 21st July
Amy and Matt bring their perspectives on what we read in the book of Ruth. Matt encourages us to 'Be more Boaz', whilst Amy reminds us that God loves all people regardless of race, nationality or status.
The Macedonian Church: A Story of Sacrificial Generosity
Russell Harley & John Rasmussen 14th July
Russell and John consider what the Macedonian Church can teach us about how surrender to God and faith in Him result in amazingly generous actions.
The Fruit of the Spirit - Patience
Jill Stonehill 7th July
This is the 'for the adults' part of Jill's talk at July's family meeting, in which she considers the fourth fruit of the Spirit, i.e. Patience.

Naaman: A Story of Radical Non-Religiousness
Geoff Wilson & Colleen Rasmussen 30th June
Geoff and Colleen bring their perspectives on this Old Testament account of how God healed a non-believer of his leprosy, and its relevance for us today. (Reading by Jane Turnbull).
The Samaritan Woman: A Story of Radical Inclusivity Slides
Anna Prinz 23rd June
Anna kicks off our new teaching series which will be exploring three more of River's core values - Inclusive, Non-religious and Generous - with a look at the first of them. |
Writing Acts 29
Emanuel Prinz 9th June
Emanuel explains how we can contribute to, and participate in the final chapter of the Book of Acts.
The Fruit of The Spirit - Kindness
Alison Hopkinson 2nd June
This is the 'for the adults' part of Ali's talk at June's family meeting, in which she looks at the fifth fruit of the Spirit and encourages us to follow the example of several kindness leaders.
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 10: Persevering in Mission through the storms of life
Andy Read 26 May
In this final talk in our teaching series in Acts, Andy leaves us as individuals and as a body with 3 key questions: in the context of mission, who are we called to be; what are we called to do; and where are we called to go?
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 9: God uses every opportunity for Mission
Anthea Wratten 19 May
On this Pentecost Sunday Anthea challenges us to consider what kind of mission God is calling us to right now.
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 8: Mission Is Often Costly Slides
Jill Stonehill 12th May
Drawing on the example of her own family history Jill considers some of the lessons of Acts Chapters 21-23 (for safety reasons the special visitor's comments aren't included). |
Peace & Presence Slides
Sandra Bullen 5th May
This is the 'for the adults' part of Sandra talk at May's family meeting, in which she looks at the third fruit of the Spirit - Peace - and links it with Presence. What does it mean to be a person of peace in Marlow in 2024? (apologies for the poor audio in a few places)
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 7: Witness in Ephesus Slides
Paul Wratten 28th April
Mission is the presence of God’s kingdom that often confronts prevailing culture. What does it take to be a pilgrim? Pilgrims stay open to the Spirit and keep learning about their faith; understand that God is always working, going ahead of us; and they carry God’s grace to be a blessing to others.
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 6: Witness In Greece Slides
Colin Barnes 21st April
(Mission is often pragmatic). How is God leading you? Choose to see His hand, and don’t give up. Need a turning point? Set you minds on things above, praise & pray. God will work a wonder - in your circumstances, or in your heart (but probably both!)
Apologies, no video version this week. |
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 5: Fully-Inclusive Mission Slides
Al Bullen 14th April
Leadership, values and culture in the early church. Acts 15 describes how things radically changed when the status quo was smashed by three key factors which fundamentally shifted the debate: the power of testimony, a move of the Holy Spirit amongst a new people group, and the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy.
My Global Missionary Ministry Slides
Emanuel Prinz 7th April
Emanuel gives a quick overview of the four parts of his ministry - Research, Publish, Coach and Train. The impact it's having across many nations is amazing. Emanuel would highly value any kind of support you can give, especially through your prayers.
Easter 2024
Linda Ward 31st March
Guest speaker Linda (leader of the London region of the Pioneer Network), speaks from John 20 about the encounter that Mary Magdalene had with Jesus on that first Easter Sunday. Never forget that Jesus knows YOUR name!
(This talk given at the first River Together in two years) |
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 4: Holy Spirit-led Mission Slides
Andy Read 24th March
Andy considers the nature of Mission as presented in Acts 13 and 14: it was highly inclusive and Spirit-inspired. Also it was Spirit-empowered in terms of the signs and wonders that accompanied the preaching, and the amazing impact it all had on cities and regions. In what ways will the Spirit lead us to new people & places and inspire us to Mission?
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 3: What Does It Mean To Be Inclusive? Slides
Emanuel Prinz 17th March
Emanuel takes us on an 'unboxing' of Acts 6-12, pointing out the ways in which truth was told and love was shown to demonstrate that the good news is for anyone and everyone.
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 2: Community Life Empowers Mission
Nigel Rivers 10th March
Nigel takes a look at Acts Chapters 2-5 and considers the challenges posed in trying to relate and apply what happened in 1st Century Palestine to 21st Century Marlow.
The Fruit of The Spirit - Joy
Jonny Ruffell 3rd March
This year in our family-friendly meetings (on the first Sunday of every month) we'll be looking at the fruit of the Spirit. Jonny continues the series, this time looking at Joy.
Mission by the Spirit Then and Now Part 1: Ready To Go
Paul Wratten 25th February
Paul kicks off our new teaching series based in Acts by looking at how the Holy Spirit fills and empowers us for mission.
Walk, Eat, Serve 2024
Anthea Wratten 18th February
Anthea considers some of the ways we're called to Walk, Eat, and Serve together in 2024.
Sabbath Week 4: Worship Download the Sabbath guide
practicingtheway.org 11th February
Sabbath isn’t just a day to stop, rest, and throw a feast in community. Ultimately, it’s a holy day — set apart for and dedicated to God himself. Early Christians called it “the Lord’s Day.” It’s a weekly day of worship by which we cultivate a spirit of worship all week long.
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The Fruit of The Spirit - Love
Jill Stonehill 4th February
This year in our family-friendly meetings (on the first Sunday of every month) we'll be looking at the fruit of the Spirit. Jill kicks off the series by considering Love.
Sabbath Week 3: Delight Download the Sabbath guide
practicingtheway.org 28th January
Previous generations often thought of the Sabbath as a sombre, serious day full of religious duty and legalistic rules. Today, many people think of it as a day to chill, relax, or sleep. Both generations miss the essential truth – the Sabbath is designed by God as a day to give yourself fully to delight in God’s world, in your life in it, and ultimately in God himself.
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Sabbath Week 2: Rest Download the Sabbath guide
practicingtheway.org 21st January
The idea of rest sounds wonderful, but in reality, rest is a radical, countercultural act of resistance to the powers and principalities of a world at war with God and his kingdom of peace.
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Sabbath Week 1: Stop Download the Sabbath guide
practicingtheway.org 14th January
The word “sabbath” means “to stop.” In Genesis, God worked for six days but then rested on the seventh. In doing so, he built a rhythm into the fabric of creation. When we live in alignment with this ancient rhythm, we find peace and joy, but when we fight it, we fracture our souls.
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River Marlow's Mission, Vision and Values Slides
Paul & Anthea Wratten 7th January
Paul & Anthea unpack various aspects of what makes the River Marlow community what it is, and outline what's distinctive about us.