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Serving The Community: We Love Marlow!

We don't want just to be in the town; one of our core aims is to demonstrate our love for the community by serving it in a variety of ways. We can always use more helpers so if this is something you would like to consider, or just want more information about any of the activities below, please contact Anthea Wratten. 


On Wednesday mornings the Marlow Youth Centre is transformed when the RiverLife team hosts a lively mums (and/or dads), carers and toddler session. The team is led by Beryl Berrett and through these regular events reaches out to local residents with practical care and support. All are welcome to pop in for a brew, a chat and some thoroughly delicious cake. RiverLife is open 10.30am - 12noon Wednesdays in school term time.



WhyCome is held on the last Saturday of every month at a church in High Wycombe and River is one of the organisations helping to fund and run it. It provides a hot meal and clothes, toiletries and food items for the homeless of High Wycombe to take away. Over 50 guests attend a typical session. 



In partnership with award-winning charity Christians Against Poverty, we aim to offer free debt advice to anyone in need of it in the Marlow area. We help anyone regardless of their faith or background and whatever their level of debt. More information.

Kintsugi Hope

'Kintsugi' is a Japanese technique for repairing pottery with seams of gold. The word means 'golden joinery' in Japanese. This repairs the brokenness in a way that makes the object more beautiful, and even more unique than it was prior to being broken. Instead of hiding the scars it makes a feature of them.

As a registered Kintsugi Hope Church Partner,  we in River Marlow want to see a world where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, with safe and supportive communities for everyone to grow and flourish.  Several River Marlow members have therefore been trained to run Kintsugi Hope Groups.

Food for Thought

A weekly meeting with lunch for residents at the Patches Field Retirement Housing community, Marlow Bottom, run jointly with The Lantern church.


Lighthouse is a holiday club for children run by local churches. It aims to introduce the children to God, explore the Bible and help them look to Jesus as their special friend - all in a fun-filled July week with sport, craft, performing arts and music. More information.

If you would like to help at or attend any of these initiatives, please contact us by filling in the form below and we will be in touch.

   RiverLife (Wednesday mornings, Term Time)
   WhyCome (last Saturday)
   CAP (individually arranged)
   Kintsugi Hope Group (from time to time)
   Food for Thought (every Tuesday lunchtime)
   Lighthouse (a week in July)

Email Address:   
Paul Wratten, 05/09/2018
Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Groups 
As a registered Kintsugi Hope Church Partner, we in River Marlow want to see a world where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, with safe and supportive communities for everyone to grow and flourish.
CAP Marlow Home 
In partnership with award-winning charity Christians Against Poverty, we aim to offer free debt advice to anyone in need of it in the Marlow area. We help anyone regardless of their faith or background and whatever their level of debt.
Churches Together in Marlow 
River is an active member of CTIM. Representatives from the many churches in the Town meet together regularly to exchange information and plan various joint events and initiatives