Pressing Onwards to Maturity
Helen speaks about about God's plans for us and our purpose in life.
Helen Davies |
07 Sep 08 |
The grace of Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
Colin speaks from 2 Corinthians 13, illustrating his talk with stories from Nepal
Colin Barnes |
27 Jul 08 |
Theory vs Reality
Theory vs reality, knowledge vs practice: Christen talks about the church's need to speak from testimony as well as from the bible (and touches on a number of other topics). Apologies that a short section in the middle of this talk is missing.
Christen Forster |
20 Jul 08 |
Reach out to God
Geoff talks about four kinds of people: Hypocrites, Leaders, the Sick and Sinners. Do our instincts always reflect the right behaviour?
(also from today - the >>Dedication of Sarah and Chloe Shepherd)<<
Geoff Wilson |
13 Jul 08 |
Neighbourhood Groups - Watchmen
Helen talks about the role of Neighbourhood Groups in being 'Watchmen' for their localities
>>Associated slides<<
Helen Davies |
06 Jul 08 |
Go get a vision for your life
Do you know what God wants you to do with your life, in the medium and long term? Including Simon Tempest sharing about his and John's recent visit to the Yemen
See also Middle East slideshow (River members only)
John Richards |
29 Jun 08 |
Walking in love - the fruitful life
Pete Hopkinson speaks about the next steps for the micro-finance project in Nepal and is prayed for
Helen and Pete have recently returned from Nepal where they visited Colin and Sadie. In >>this video<< she talks about a number of Nepali Christians there who need our prayer support.
Helen Davies
Helen Davies
22 Jun 08 |
Catch the Wave
Al exhorts us to jump onto the current wave of God moving in power
Al Bullen |
15 Jun 08 |
Speaking encouragement to one another
Judith challenges us to become encouragers to one another, and also brings some prophetic words
John Richards speaks about his trip with Simon Tempest to Yemen later this week and is prayed for
Judith Forster
08 Jun 08 |
Jesus - Humility and Hope
Tim (a friend of Helen from Icthus) recounts how Jesus treated people in a counter-cultural way and challenges us follow His example. |
Tim Boniface |
25 May 08 |
Mozambique story
Julian and Annie recount how God has brought them from being an 'ordinary couple' married 29 years ago to now being on the verge of a year working in Mozambique. >>Associated slides<<
Julian also brings prophetic words for individuals and for the whole congregation.
Also some >>fresh testimonies of healing<<
Julian and Annie Bullen |
11 May 08 |
Without me you can do nothing
Following on from Helen's talk last week Pete further develops the theme of training ourselves so that we grow in God.
Also John Richards recounts his recent trip to YWAM in Albania, and more locally his involvement with the needy in Wycombe; and Katie describes what it was like to be in the revival meetings in Lakeland, FL this week. Then they are both prayed for >>Click HERE<<
Pete Davies
John Richards
04 May 08 |
Growing Stronger In God
Helen encourages us to become fully-equipped free-range Christians, able to feed ourselves from the Word, and so keeping strong in all aspects of our lives. |
Helen Davies |
27 Apr 08 |
What is God doing amongst us?
Andy gives a 'fatherly chat' about what God is doing amongst us, to encourage,challenge and therefore help us to live in better balance

'What does revival look like?' slide - click on it for full size version |
Andy Read |
13 Apr 08 |
Running to the Miracle Maker
Judith challenges and encourages as she brings a message about pressing into the goodness of God. |
Judith Forster |
06 Apr 08 |
Walking in Faith as a child
Vicky brings a clear and simple message of encouragement for us to walk in faith rather than fear, approaching God with a child-like trust.
Vicky Earll |
30 Mar 08 |
Easter message: it's a done deal, you are a child of God! |
Helen Davies |
23 Mar 08 |
Tim challenges us about how free we allow ourselves to become in God's presence, and how we react to others who are not too proud to abandon themselves before Him
Tim Stone |
16 Mar 08 |
Balancing the supernatural and the practical
Speaking from 1 John, Chris explains how we need to keep a balance between experiencing the supernatural and having a practical approach in the way we show our love.
Christen Forster |
09 Mar 08 |
You're a Royal!
Dave describes how he has come to realise the significance of us being sons and daughters of the King, and how this can and should affect our everyday living.
Also - CLICK HERE to hear the overview of the work of Nigel and Karen Rivers in Berlin at das Gnadenhaus, and HERE to view the associated slides |
Dave Jones
Dave's dad |
24 Feb 08 |
Walking With Jesus
Helen helps us understand better how Jesus could be at the same time both God and Man, and the implications of this.
See also the accompanying slides |
Helen Davies |
17 Feb 08 |
Fresh Water
Andy speaks about the need for us to unblock the wells of blessing that the enemy has filled, so that we can move on into God's open spaces
See also the accompanying slides |
Andy Read |
10 Feb 08 |
Taking offence and Giving honour
Stephen speaks to the Marlow congregation about the need to give honour; and not to take offence.
And some great family news |
Stephen Klemich |
03 Feb 08 |
Remember remember
Judith encourages us to remember the goodness of God shown through what he's done in the PAST, so that we can we stand in the PRESENT with hope for the FUTURE.
And some great testimonies |
Judith Forster
various |
27 Jan 08 |
The Body of Christ part 2 - Prodigals
Helen brings some more thoughts about the Body following on from her talk at the congregation meeting earlier this month.
Helen Davies |
20 Jan 08 |
Arise, Shine!
Pete expands on the vision and aspirations he and Helen have for the Marlow congregation this year, speaking from Isaiah 59-62
Ministering Angels
John and Gill describe how they have recently both (at separate times) experienced the work of angels ministering to them, to bring healing and peace. Amazing. (Also includes Beth Cook's testimony) |
Pete Davies |
13 Jan 08 |
The Walk of Faith
On this first Sunday of the year Christen speaks about the living the life of faith.
Also this Sunday:
Christen Forster |
06 Jan 08 |
Nothing will ever be the same again
Nothing was ever the same again for Mary, the Shepherds & Herod after Jesus came. How much will we allow Him to govern what we do in 2008?
Andy Read |
23 Dec 07 |
In this advent season Andy encourages us to look forward beyond Christmas. Just as a baby has to grow up so we need to let God work in us to develop our character and giftings to maturity.
ALSO the dedication of Ashton Wilson, son of Max, and Geoff and Sheila's first grandchild. |
Andy Read |
16 Dec 07 |
Back to Extraordinary Basics
Dave exhorts us to live all out for God, telling many exciting stories and sharing his dreams of God's kingdom breaking in and Marlow being outrageously impacted by it. |
Dave Jones |
09 Dec 07 |
Stepping Stones to the Future
At this time of change for many of us (both individually and as a congregation) Andy outlines 6 steps to take us to what God has for us.
the associated slides are HERE |
Andy Read |
25 Nov 07 |
Communication with each other
Good communication within the church is essential. Pete speaks about various aspects of communication and some of the practical steps we can take to improve it
Report from Base Weekend Away
Inspiring report of last weekend's move of God.
(Sorry about the poor sound quality of these recordings).
Pete Davies
Dave Jones
Jack Mowll
Tay Southwood
18 Nov 07 |
Communication with God: a) the relevance for prayer of God being our Father and b) What God wants us to pray about |
Helen Davies |
11 Nov 07 |
Living with Loss
Paul and Sarah talk about the journey they have been on for the last 6 years since their son Joshua died within just a few weeks of being diagnosed with a brain stem tumour. Slideshow & photos HERE
Prayer for Deriazs
Various people pray for the Deriazs following the talk
Paul and Sarah Deriaz |
04 Nov 07 |
Hearing from God
Di speaks from the bible and from her own experience about how God speaks to us, and how to put ourselves in a place where we can hear Him clearly
Di Chapman |
28 Oct 07 |
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!
Vicky encourages us to get excited by the fact that the kingdom of God is very near!
Vicky Earll |
14 Oct 07 |
An open Heaven over England
Linda (from Bethel Church Redding CA) describes a dream given to a young person in Bethel last year which has significance for us in England now. Followed by ministry time.
Linda McIntosh |
07 Oct 07 |
Dancing With The Trinity - Historically God has been thought of as 'Unchanging' - but Chris explains how this isn't at all accurate. He speaks about God's dynamic nature and how we can 'dance' with the Trinity.
Praying Out Tom and Annette - We pray for Tom and Annette as they leave Marlow to take up leadership of the new Slough congregation.
Two new initiatives for 5-11s in Marlow are announced by Joel.
Christen Forster
Joel Rivers
30 Sep 07 |
Welcoming Joel Rivers and Hannah Bullen to the Marlow cong
Welcoming Pete and Helen Davies to the Marlow cong
How the finances work in River - how the money given to River is administered and on what basis budgets are set.
Reg's dream
Paul Wratten
Paul Wratten
Ann Handford
Reg Robey
23 Sep 07 |
Speaking from Hebrews 11, Andy encourages us to ask the question "what haven't I seen yet?"
For the associated slides click HERE.
Jonny Keys: Si Sworn asks Jonny a few questions about his past year in the States.
About Alpha - Carol outlines the arrangements for Alpha this term.
Apologies for the slight distortion on these recordings.
Andy Read
Jonnie Keys
Carol Greenslade
09 Sep 07 |
Prayer for the Barnes family prior to their imminent departure for Nepal
Prayer for Roger Jameson and Jane van Renen, incl a word from Al about 'The Lion and the Lamb'
Prayer for Kate ahead of her return to her work overseas
About Hope 08, and our role in it in conjunction with the other Marlow Churches. The associated slide is HERE)
NB All files are only accessible if you are logged in, except the last one
Various |
02 Sep 07 |
Prayer for Stocks, Rosewarnes, Mick & Ceri:
Nigel and Jean share about the next stage of their Welsh adventure, followed by prayer from the congregation CLICK HERE
Prayer for Mick and Ceri before their wedding CLICK HERE
Prayer for Grant & Julie Rosewarne and family on their last Sunday before returning to Oz CLICK HERE
12 Aug 07
19 Aug 07
Walking in the Spirit
(Final part of fruit of the spirit series)
News about some imminent comings and goings
Christen Forster
Jane Davenport (& fiance Michael)
Dave Jones
Si Sworn
22 Jul 07 |
The Fruit of Patience
Jill Stonehill |
15 Jul 07 |
The Fruit of Faithfulness
In this the second of our series on the Fruit of the Spirit, Geoff speaks about Faithfulness.
Associated slides
Geoff Wilson |
08 Jul 07 |
The Fruit of The Spirit - intro
Stacey contrasts a life led by the Spirit with one led by Law. Do you need more of his fruit in your life?
Stacey Cook |
01 Jul 07 |
Keep Telling Those Stories!
Di stresses the importance of passing on the stories of what God has done in the past, so that our heritage is not forgotten. |
Di Chapman |
24 Jun 07 |
Fathers' Day 07
Andy brings a Biblical perspective on 'What Should Fathers Do?'
Accompanying slides
'Father of the Fatherless' song
Andy Read
Chris Nelson
17 Jun 07 |
Confidence in the Church
Chris explains why we should have confidence in the church that Jesus has built. (associated slides)
Words for 2 people (requires login)
Andy Read gives a short account of his and Lina's world tour and the effect it's had on them. |
Christen Forster |
10 Jun 07 |
Seeing your Dreams Become Reality
Vicky encourages us to persevere in pursuing the dreams that God - the ultimate dreamer - has given to us. |
Vicky Earll |
20 May 07 |
Self Leadership
From John 15 Judith looks at how Jesus stayed close to his Father, and what this means for how we should approach our own relationship with God. |
Judith Forster |
13 May 07 |
Releasing the Flow of God's Power
Chris explains the absolute necessity of us growing into who we are supposed to be in the Lord - "The glory of the Lord has risen on you and the nations will come to your rising" |
Chris Forster |
06 May 07 |
Report back from India Trip
Linda, and other members of the team who recently visited Delhi to see the work of Asha, report on what they did and saw. We hear from both children and adults.
Lina and Andy's bit
About Lina's business Communicate-Ed and the charitable causes she supports through it. Then Andy describes the 3 week world tour he and Lina are shortly to undertake
Accompanying slideshow (pdf):
Micro Enterprise Centenary Tour
Linda Southwood and team
Lina Read
Andy Read |
29 Apr 07 |
What's In Your Hand?
Accompanying Slides
Paul explains the difference between calling and purpose, contrasting 'what we do' with 'what we dream of doing'. He then encourages us to gain a fresh passion for what we do, even in situations where that's not easy.
Ministry time - individual files of words and prayer for:
Bruce Chris Caz Karen John&Stacey Hazel Mary
John Nigel&Jean Sid Paul
Whole ministry time
Paul Milligan |
22 Apr 07 |
Allowing God's Power To Flow
Drawing on a variety of bible passages, Bruce speaks about the power of God; of the Authority that we have been given by Him; and of the power of our words |
Bruce Sandeman |
15 Apr 07 |
Easter Sunday message - And Now the Good News
The Dedication of Kayleigh Grace Sandeman
Colin announces that he, Sadie and family will be going to Nepal to live for 10 months from Sept 07, and that Carol Greenslade will be taking over Alpha responsibilities.
Andy Read
Colin & Sadie Barnes
08 Apr 07
A Community that walks with God
Unfortunately this morning's talk wasn't recorded. However Andy gave the same message a couple of weeks ago in Maidenhead.
Andy shows us from Genesis to Revelation that God wants to be with us, He is with us and He always will be with us.
To view the accompanying slides CLICK HERE |
Andy Read |
01 Apr 07 |
Mothering Sunday part 1
Anthea reads a poem for those for whom Mothering Sunday is a reminder of loss. Then Gill speaks about some of the hats she has worn in her life.
Mothering Sunday part 2
Di speaks from Genesis about our common mother Eve and some of the lessons we can learn from her.
Anthea Wratten
Gill Sandeman
Di Chapman
18 Mar 07 |
God's Unconditional Love
Tom recounts the suffering that Jesus went through so that we could become members of God's family, and the incredible love that God has for us. |
Tom Curtis |
11 Mar 07 |
Your God is BIG!
Al encourages us with the message that our God is BIG - and he wants to talk to us. |
Al Bullen |
25 Feb 07 |
Experience God's Love
Andrew encourages us to experience in our heart (as opposed to just understanding in our head) God's incredible love, in all its fullness.
Praying for Kate
We hear about Kate's plans / need for a jeep, and then Julian Bullen leads us in praying for her, ahead of her leaving the UK on Wednesday next.
Andrew Southwood
various |
18 Feb 07 |
Grace - God's Unconditional Love
Colin enthuses about the grace of God. Let's ensure we don't get 'trapped LDW' by Satan - in Law, Debt and Works.
Colin Barnes |
11 Feb 07 |
Spending time with God
Kate talks about her work and some of the ways in which God has been preparing her to go back later this month
Kevin Maul introduces himself before talking about the help needed at the next Big Gathering. View the slideshow HERE (requires Acrobat Reader)
Commissioning Bruce
Andy Read leads prayer for Bruce as he is commissioned to join the Marlow leadership team. |
Kevin Maul
various |
04 Feb 07 |
Get the Message: about Success
Andy finishes off our current series by looking at success and barriers to achieving it.
John Cook shares about his current situation as a "worship & theology" student and is prayed for. |
Andy Read |
28 Jan 07 |
"You picked the wrong puppy this time"
A testimony of being healed from cancer - three times
Praying for Ian and Roger
About the Kairos course
Before you listen please watch the Kairos video HERE
Mara Klemich (guest)
Andrew Southwood |
21 Jan 07 |
Get the Message: about Yourself
Part 2 of our series from Gideon. Don't disqualify yourself: God wants to work in and through you. |
Andy Read |
14 Jan 07 |