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Emanuel's Global Ministry

Emanuel’s ministry equips and resources several ten thousand leaders, church planters and missionaries around the globe. He is on a mission to train 50,000 kingdom leaders. He engages in four strategic ministry activities:
Emanuel coaches a number of influential leaders and helps them take their growth and leadership to the next level. This creates a ripple effect into the ministries of these leaders.
Consulting   Emanuel has provided consultancy to dozens of ministries worldwide and boosted them toward the multiplication of disciples and churches.
Training Emanuel has trained more than 10,000 leaders serving in more than 50 nations and thereby equipped them for more fruitful multiplicative ministry. His training leads to the multiplication of disciples, church planting, ministry coaching, and transformational leadership. Every month, appr. 200 more are equipped through his training events.
Writing Emanuel writes books, journal articles, and a regular blog that is followed by high-level kingdom influencers

How You Can Become Part of the Global Impact

By partnering with Emanuel's ministry, you too can become part of kingdom expansion in all these ministries and nations. For more information, check out his website You can also subscribe there to his free blog and podcast.
Want to pray for his ministry? To subscribe to a regular prayer flash, just email

How about partnering financially? Go to – scroll down the page and click the DONATE button next to “Emanuel Prinz” (your donation can be gift-aided).