Our Children
Jesus had lots to say about children, and at River Marlow we take seriously His instruction to value them.
During our Sunday morning gatherings children of junior school age and below stay with their parents for the first 45 minutes. There are often activities for them during this time and of course they are also encouraged to get fully involved in our Worship together. After this, they join their own groups to enjoy various fun activities, teaching and friendship that helps them get to know Jesus better.
For our youngest members we have a crèche although if you are visiting please feel free to keep your child with you.
For primary school aged children we have SUB - a fun time that mixes activities and teaching.
For secondary school aged children we have EDGE - a community that seeks to nurture and disciple our young people by offering them a base of teaching, worship, God encounters and friendships through which they can confidently explore and grow.
All of our work with children is staffed appropriately by members of our Church community and run according to recognised safeguarding guidelines.
Paul Wratten, 20/09/2012