Giving to River Church Maidenhead
When we give money to River, first and foremost it’s a really important act of thanksgiving, worship and surrender to our God. It’s also vital to help us carry out our mission to bring the good news of Jesus to our communities. Your generous support and financial commitment means that we are able to bring life as the River flows!
We won’t ever take your giving for granted. We are excited at the promises of God over our church family and we know that if we can continue to grow our financial resources, we can do more mission, be a greater blessing to those in need, and reach out even further into our communities.
There are a number of ways you can give to River Church Maidenhead...
Our church uses Givt as a way of giving to the collection. Givt is an app that allows you to participate in the collection anytime and anywhere. Whether on church on a Sunday morning or watching from your sofa at home, with Givt you can just keep giving. Open the app, choose how much you want to give, choose how you want to give and you’re done!
Here is how it works:
Giving is simple, either scan the QR code below or enter our name on the app
'River Church Maidenhead'.

To download the Givt app click here:

Bank Transfer
You can also give directly to our account via bank transfer.
CAF Bank / Account No: 00013816 / Sort Code: 40-52-40.
Please ensure that you give your full name as reference with any bank payment, so that we know who the gift is from and can claim gift aid (where appropriate). If you have any questions about any aspect of the way the Finances are managed in River, or for advice on giving, please email your query to