Follow me
Juliet Ioakeim 23 Mar
Follow Jesus and receive the best wine now
Blessed Are The Mourners
Mary Porter 16 Mar
Blessed Are The Mourners How "mourning" turns us into Disciples
The Power of the Gospel Slides
Juliet Ioakeim 9 Mar
John 1: The Word was God. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us
Go and make disciples: following Holy Spirits lead
Dorothy Basham 2 Mar
let's get filled up to help discipline others!
Discipline or Discipleship
Mary Porter 16 Feb
Taking a look at how we become Disciples of Jesus
Equipped by Holy Spirit Slides
Juliet Ioakeim 9 Feb
John 14: 16-18 NIV I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate (helper NKJ) to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of truth.
Why are we here. Slides
Gary Jones 2 Feb
Gary talks about how we can choose who we are in God and build a beautiful eternity with him.
Dwelling in the throne room Slides
Gary Jones 26 Jan
Gary talks about the joy to be found in the presence of God and the two key behaviours we need to experience him in greater measure.
Power in the Sacrifice Slides
Juliet Ioakeim 19 Jan
Romans 12:1 what does it mean to offer our bodies as a Living Sacrifice
Mary Porter 12 Jan
Godly stones, lively stones, and living stones.
The endless possibilities when we renew our minds Slides
Juliet Ioakeim 5 Jan
Renewing our minds constantly to focus on God, brings us back into alignment with what He says is possible
The Word became flesh Slides
Andy Read 15 Dec
Part of a reading always heard at this time of year. Jesus was heard, seen, examined, touched…. What did that really mean? And what does that mean for us, today?
Small Beginnings
Mary Porter 8 Dec
Seeing how the smallest of beginnings turn into HUGE blessings in the Kingdom of God
Keeping it Simple
Juliet Ioakeim 1 Dec
Keeping our focus on God and the Word even when we don't 'feel' in a good place
The Acid Test
Gary Jones 24 Nov
A look at what determines if our faith is pure and faultless. The answer lies in how we treat others.
Hidden In Plain Sight
Mary Porter 17 Nov
When we focus on the problems of Life, we miss the Solutions.
Prayer as a lifestyle
Julie Ioakeim 10 Nov
Prayer is a constant part of our lifestyle, we can speak to God wherever and whenever, and He will speak to us too.
The Books of Wisdom
Gary Jones 28 Oct
A look at how the books of Wisdom encourage us to engage with God in a relational way.
The Mercy Seat
Mary Porter 20 Oct
Seeing how the Mercy of God overcomes the Judgement of God
A call to come closer
Julie Ioakeim 06 Oct
There is a call to come closer, to rely and trust in the Lord with all our heart, put Him 1st again
Urgency to pray
Dorothy Basham 22 Sep
God has called us to pray: 'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you' (Matthew 7:7) Hear testimonies of healing.
See Someone, Tell Someone
Mary Porter 15 Sep
Practice sharing the Gospel with others, ... do not waste any opportunity, as it may be their last one!
Seeking after God’s Heart
Gary Jones 08 Sep
Gary discusses the need for openness, confession and vulnerability in our walk with Christ
Making Space for Jesus
Florence Peters 25 Aug
Looking at people's examples in the Bible who made space for Jesus, and how it changed their lives. Jesus can do the same for each one of us.
The 10 Commandments relevant today
Julie Ioakeim 18 Aug
Every word spoken by God is always relevant. The commandments are a guide to right and wrong and a promise of blessing when followed
Mary Porter 28 July
taking a look at Faith from God's angle.
Walking in His Spirit equals Power
Dorothy Basham 21 July
let's walk in the power and authority that has been given to us and let the glory of the Lord be revealed.
As I was with Moses, so I will be with you
Julie Ioakeim 07 July
God told Joshua, 'As I was with Moses, so I will be with you'. And all the promises of God in Him are yes and Amen to the glory of God through us. The same God, the same Holy Spirit that worked through Moses, is the same God working through us today.
Make every effort
Gary Jones 23 June
using 2 Peter 1:5-7 as key verses talking about how we need to try to participate in the divine nature as even though we fail it’s our failures which enables us to draw on God’s grace and allow his Spirit to transform us.
Mary Porter 16 June
How and Who do we honour as children of God
Faith as a lifestyle
Julie Ioakeim 09 June
How not to miss the fullness God intends for us in our journey of faith
Who Do You Say I Am
Mary Porter 02 June
Jesus asks us what do we say about Who He Is.
Through His eyes
Dewald Koch 26 May
The believer can live in a place of maturity, sharing in the divine nature of God and escaping the corruption of this world.
Switching on the light
Julie Ioakeim 12 May
An absence of God allows darkness to creep back in
Put On Your Armour
Mary Porter 05 May
What is the Armour of God and why it is important
Seeing God clearly
Dorothy Basham 28 Apr
taking the fog away from our eyes to see Him clearly and see what He is doing, to see His kingdom come
Kingdom Living
Mary Porter 21 Apr
One-Anothering" as Florence called it this week, a challenge to pray for one another deeply each day till Pentecost the day the Holy Spirit fell on the early church, and our prayers for that same infilling on each other.
The Kingdom is at hand (week 2)
Julie Ioakeim 14 Apr
bringing the Kingdom
The Kingdom is at hand (week 1)
Julie Ioakeim 7 Apr
bringing the Kingdom
The Restoration of Peter
Gary Jones 24 Mar
Following his denial of Christ, focussing on how in his passion he had to get to the end of himself before he was restored.
Count It All Joy
Mary Porter 17 Mar
Count It All Joy.even in the middle of stuff and nonsense we can "count it all joy" because we have God's promise that He will never leave us.
Feeding The 4000.
Dorothy Basham 03 Mar
Dorothy takes us on a journey, looking at 4000 fed. We can be like Jesus- available, giving thanks, offering what we have and sharing Jesus with those around us, for His glory and His kingdom
God wants us to be victorious
Florance Peters 25 Feb
(FROM JOSHUA 1. 1-9)
God wants us to be victorious as we obey him to posses the land before us. So he encourages us to be.
Strong in our conviction
Strong in our commitment
Strong in courage.
A Window on Wisdom.
Mary Porter 18 Feb
Looking at the 5 Guarantees that God will impart His Wisdom when we ask.
Preparing the way
Julie Ioakeim 11 Feb
( Luke 18). It was the excitement of those that went ahead of Jesus, that ignited the hope in the blind man to call out to Him
Faith, Faithful and Faithfulness
Mary Porter 21 January
Taking a look at the faithfulness of God to us and being faithful to share that knowledge with others.