Christmas Gift
Juliet Ioakeim 17 Dec
Christmas Gift For unto us a Child is born
Thanks and Many Blessings
Dewald Koch 10 Dec
In ministry and general life of the Believer of Jesus, we often will find ourselves frustrated with the timings of God! It is this challenge that many has and will continue to face as we live a life of discipleship, servanthood, and general ambassedorship of The Kingdom of God
Worship not Workship
Dorothy Basham 3 Dec
Dorothy talks to us from Psalm 84, a yearning and heart-felt relationship with God.
Think About What You're Thinking About
Mary Porter 19 Nov
(2 Corinthians 10:5 ) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…what are YOU thinking today?
Fight the good fight
Juliet Ioakeim 12 Nov
Even when we feel at a low, God doesn't change, He is still working out His promises for us
Positioning ourselves to receive all
Ann Lee 5 Nov
Positioning ourselves to receive all God has for us in these days
Our creative relational God.
Dorothy Basham 29 Oct
God's breath is in us, as it was at the beginning of time still in us today, creating new life, new hope and new beginnings
Taking time in the chaos
Juliet Ioakeim 22 Oct
John 9. Even when those around were ready to stone Him, Jesus stopped and took time to heal the man born blind. Jesus didn't wait for the perfect time

Know the opposition
Dewald Koch 08 Oct
Living with a destiny in Christ demands that we know what and who the opposition might be. Identify and deal with it, walk in the kingdom of God mindset and reach your destiny.
Glorious and inexpressible joy!
Gary Jones 01 Oct
Finding glorious and inexpressible joy by understanding how much God loves us, how he gives us hope for the future and how he uses our difficult circumstances to draw us closer to him.
Stay the course
Dewald Koch 10 Sep
Jesus shared His personal destiny and purpose with His beloved friends. They could not accept His mission and thought to address Him with reference to his personal responsibility, moral accountability, and religious contradictions, in order to correct His vision.
A time of Reconciliation
Juliet Ioakeim 03 Sep
Julie talks about what she feels has been on her heart, a time of Reconciliation that can need humility from us
God's Word brings healing
Juliet Ioakeim 27 Aug
A deeper look at Proverbs 4 20-23. God's Word is life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh
I Speak Jesus
Mary Porter 20 Aug
learning the language and vocabulary of God.
What Do You Want
Mary Porter 23.July
Jesus asks His disciples "what do you want?" And He asks us the same question. Not because HE wants to know...but so WE understand what we want, what we really really want!
Covenant part 2, Abraham and Moses
Juliet Ioakeim 16 July
Faithfulness and holding onto God's promises
Windows on Wisdom
Mary Porter 09 July
Looking at the Gift of Wisdom in action from Genesis thru to today's life. Seeing how God's wisdom is free and accessible to all who will ask..."so that" God gets the Glory
God's Covenants
Juliet Ioakeim 02 July
5 Covenants
Each one building on the previous.
Each one showing God's love a devotion to His people,
He never gave up on redeeming us.
He never gave up on restoring the devine relationship between Him and us.
And finally the New and perfect Covenant that made the way. Jesus.
The Relationship of Redemption
Dewald Koch 18 Jun
The concept of redemption is closely related to those in your family, your nearest and dearest or even a close friend. Ruth and Boaz in the Ruth 3:12 / Hosea and Gomer Hosea 3 This concept is then of course fulfilled in the NT – Jesus becomes the Kinsman-redeemer for His brothers and sisters, the children of God – Those adopted into the body of Christ through the blood of Jesus, faith and grace!
Mary Porter 04 Jun
Seeing in the Word how to stop distractions from the world preventing the promises of God coming to us. Get in the Word. Stay in the Word. Stand on the Word
How can we build our faith?
Juliet Ioakeim 28 May
Most of us have asked that question, we have a look at some answers
Prayer Key To Revival
Florance Peters 21 May
revival history tells us behind every revival there were prayer intercessors praying the revival in. To see revival in our land we also need to get praying fervently and relentlessly with love and compassion in our hearts for the lost.
We all need F.A.T friends
Dewald Koch 14 May
We all need F.A.T friends and Be F.A.T friends
We are God's disciples
Dorothy Basham 7 May
His children, His chosen people. All called to 'go' into the world and spread His word, with the promise of Holy Spirit for us too.
Pastoring Your Gift
Mary Porter 30 Apr
Be Not Conformed to the World's way of thinking about Spiritual giftings but allow the Word of God to assist you in taking care of and feeding your gifts from the Holy Spirit
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Abiding in Jesus
Ann Lee 23 Apr
Remaining in the Vine to produce fruit that will last (John 15:1--17)
By Faith
Juliet Ioakeim 16Th Apr
Julie uses examples of faith in action
Easter Forgiveness
Mary Porter 9 Apr
God's story of Forgiveness from Genesis till the end of time. Hear how God responds to true repentance
Be Still and know that I am God
Dorothy Basham 19 Mar
seek God, spend time in His presence getting to know Him better. From this place we can grow and allow Him to work through us to see His miracles, signs and wonders in the world around us.
Sanctified and Ready
Julie Ioakeim 12 Mar
Julie looks at the story in Exodus where the Israelites were told to cleanse themselves ready for the coming of God, and then how Jesus did that for us
A Word of encouragement
Ann Lee 26 Feb
how we might come closer to God in this lent season
A call to come closer
Julie Ioakeim 19 Feb
The closer we get to the Lord, the more natural it is to share His love and our faith
Undivided loyalty
Julie Ioakeim 12 Feb
Isaiah 45:5 'I am the Lord and there is no other, apart from me there is no God’. All the glory belongs to our Heavenly Father and creator.
No Loopholes
Mary Porter 05 Feb
Taking a look at how we often want a loophole to get out of doing what God wants,, from the story of The Good Samaritan in Luke 10.
Running our own race
Julie Ioakeim 29 Jan
Our Heavenly Father has made us each unique, with gifts and skills perfect for our race. David understood he could be much more effective using his own tools and not King Sauls
Loving the word of God
Dorothy Basham 22 Jan
Dorothy encourages us to read the Bible, the living word of God. Read in relationship with Holy Spirit and hear from the Lord for ourselves
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Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the Ending...
Mary Porter 15 Jan
The story of the beginning of Jesus life.. and the endings He brought
Hebrews 4- Come boldly to the Throne of Grace
Julie Ioakeim 8 Jan
We can come boldly to the Throne, knowing who we are because of Jesus, and use the authority He gave us for the Fathers glory
Christmas Message 2022
Florence Peters 11 Dec
God reconciling the world to himself by bringing love, hope, peace and joy to us all.
One Word from God
Mary Porter 04 Dec
One Word from God can change EVERYTHING.
Choosing our spiritual food
Julie Ioakeim 20 Nov
Spiritual cordon bleu for the soul
Who do you think you can be?
Julie Ioakeim 23 Oct
when we are in the presence of Jesus, we see the possibilities of who we can be in Him, and not who we are in the natural
Strategic Invalidation
Mary Porter 16 Oct
learning how to use the Word of God to stop the enemy from invalidating our walk with God
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One Spirit different gifts
Julie Ioakeim 09 Oct
Recognising our God given gifts
Always in God's timing
Julie Ioakeim 02 Oct
Julie uses examples of the timing of God always being perfect for us
Who is our God
Julie Ioakeim 04 Sep
Who is God? What has He done? What can He do? Is there anything He can't do? Where do we fit in?
Bats, Birds and Battles
Mary Porter 28 Aug
Learning how to fight our battles in a Biblical manner
If you are thirsty, come and drink
Julie Ioakeim 21 Aug
We are invited to drink from the spring of the water of life at no cost. What an invitation!
Crowned with Glory
Julie Ioakeim 24 Jul
Step into your promises
True Spirituality
Mary Porter 17 Jul
Looking at James 1 for Today's World
Isaiah 55 - we will go out with joy
Dorothy Basham 10 Jul
The joy of the Lord in us is contagious affecting our lives and others around us.
Wacky to Wonderful
Julie Ioakeim 03 Jul
Many times God's blessings will come in ways we least expect
The goodness of our Father
Julie Ioakeim 19 Jun
Understanding the depth of the Fathers love will change our lives
Hope and Glory
Julie Ioakeim 05 Jun
Our hope is in the Lord and He is always faithful and true. As He prepares us for what comes next, we may be asked to trust in the unusual but He will make a way |
God's Gentle Whisper
Costas Ioakeim 29 May
God has invested so much in us. Costas talks about we need to learn how to be silent when God is speaking to us. |
Keeping Ourselves Holy
Julie Ioakeim 22 May
The Word of God is perfect, we can trust in it to lead us into holiness
Pull out those weeds by their roots
Julie Ioakeim 15 May
Julie talks about removing those things that hinder us from reaching our full potential that the Lord has planned for us.
Recipes. Ingredients and Spoons
Mary Porter 08 May
What does it take to make a church?
Rest and Allow the Lord to take the lead
Julie Ioakeim 24 Apr
Resting with the Lord, and allowing Him to take the lead, and work with and through us, accomplishes so much more than we could ever strive to do in our own strength
Three witnesses - an Easter story
Dorothy Basham 17 Apr
Listen as Dorothy tells Peter's, Mary Magdalene's and a friend of Jesus's story over the time of crucifixion.
Stones or Praise
Mary Porter 10 Apr
What happened on Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem
Partnering with Holy Spirit
Julie Ioakeim 27 Mar
Believing who we are in Christ, enables us to partner with Holy Spirit and walk in God's plan and purpose for our lives
The servant heart
Julie Ioakeim 20 Mar
Jesus taught us what a servant heart really means. He didn't just wash the disciples feet, He washed us completely from all our sins |
Representing God
Dorothy Basham 13 Mar
Dorothy looks at Jesus, Moses and David, who knew God's heart well, as she encourages us to represent Him well too.
Mary Porter 06 Mar
Looking at the deposits God has made in our lives for us...and to give away
Staying Awake
Florence Peters 27 Feb
To God’s presence - To what God is doing around us - To God’s plans and his purposes - To his glory - To not putting Jesus on equal footing with anyone else - To misconceptions about God - To who we are in him - To bringing our praises to him in all circumstances. |
Rhythms of grace
Julie Ioakeim 20 Feb
Julie talks about the benefits of a daily rhythm of spending time with the Lord. Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not all His benefits
Counting The Cost
Mary Porter 13 Feb
Taking a look at what it means to say YES to God |
How To Pray
Dorothy Basham 06 Feb
Inspired by Pete Greig's book 'how to pray' Dorothy encourages us through Pause, Rejoice, Ask and Yield.
Be Strong
Florence Peters 30 Jan
1. Be strong and courageous to inherit the land 2. Be strong and courageous to inherit the land 3. Be strong and courageous, do not be discouraged POINTS FOR US 1. Be strong in conviction 2. Be strong in commitment 3. Be strong in courage |
The Goodness of God
Juliet Ioakeim 09 Jan
Julie talks about God being good all the time and how we can look at our struggles as a time of preparation, just like fertiliser for the season of bloom that's coming |