Christmas Gifts from Father God
Mary Porter 19 Dec
Seeing all the things Jesus was born to be from Genesis to Revelations |
Journey To The King
Dorothy Basham 05 Dec
Hear how the journey of the wise men encourages us in our personal walk with Jesus.
Faith For Salvation
Mary Porter 21 Nov
Salvation comes through and by faith in God's Word, no other way.
Fear Not, The Lord God is With You
Julie Ioakeim 14 Nov
Julie uses the story of Daniel as an example of God's protection for His children
I Don’t Care
Mary Porter 31 Oct
God loves me no matter what!
Mighty Oaks Grow From Little Acorns
Dorothy Basham 24 Oct
Keep ourselves positioned, watered and trusting in God as we grow into maturity.
Jesus' Compassion For Us
Julie Ioakeim 17 Oct
Understanding the depth of Jesus compassion for us, enables us to know who we are in Him, changes how we live and affects those around us
Choosing Relationship Over Religion
Ceri Davies 10 Oct
In Part 4 of our "Living Like Jesus" series, we explore how Jesus always chose relationship over religion, and take a look at a story in Mark 3 to help us understand how important it is for us too.
Living Out of Scripture
Mary Porter 3 Oct
Learning how to study and apply Biblical teachings to everyday life.
Living in The Father's Love
Julie Ioakeim 26 Sep
Julie talks about how a revelation of The Fathers love will transform our thinking and moving in the supernatural
God's Love For Us
Peter O'Boyle 19 Sep
The love of God is vast. He delights over His children and wants us to be full of His love so we can love others.
Staying Fully Connected With God
Dorothy Basham 12 Sep
Fruits of the Spirit.
Soaking In God's Presence
Mary Porter 5 Sep
Learning how to do the "Grown Up Things of God
Video |
Love Each Other
Dewald Koch 29 Aug
Hearing how the world will "know and recognize" us as followers of Jesus -- by our love for one another.
Mary Porter 22 Aug
Taking a look at some aspects of being "anointed"
Breaking The Mouldy Moulds
Mary Porter 01 Aug
Breakthroughs come as we get in and stay in the Word.
Freedom Through Forgiveness
Andy Read 25 July
The forgiveness and acceptance Jesus modelled is challenging and unreasonable. But it is also powerful and liberating, for ourselves and others.
Take Captive Our Thoughts
Julie Ioakeim 18 July
Julie reminds us that what we allow to stay in our thoughts is what we are having faith for. Therefore, take captive our thoughts and bring them back in line with what God says. |
The Cross Sets Us Free
Dorothy Basham 04 July
Jesus invites us into God's family and life in eternity.
Tomorrow Always Comes
Mary Porter 20 Jun
How Father God intimately sees us in our Tomorrows.
Video |
The Volunteer God
Colin barnes 13 Jun
The latest episode in our Jesus-Shaped God series exposes another idea that Jesus turns on its head. The kingdom comes, not because God controls everything and ordains it, but as we volunteer for Jesus duty and allow him to work through us. Colin explains what we can expect as God's co-workers.
When We Are Weak He Is Strong
Julie Ioakeim 06 Jun
God uses the weak, the few, and those that question 'but who am I?' because in our weakness His strength is manifest and all glory goes to Him
Video |
A Teachable Heart
Dorothy Basham 23 May
Learning from what Jesus says, we seek to grow in our knowledge and understanding of the written Word.
The Forgiving God
Mary Porter 16 May
Jesus demonstrates the forgiving heart of Father God and Mary shows the reasons and results of that forgiveness.
Video |
Treasures in Heaven
George Port 9 May
God's memory box. (Matt 6:19-21)
The Human God
Colin Barnes 2 May
Men have always sought a way up to God or enlightenment, but Jesus is the God who comes down to us. God becomes human to show us the way to become God-like. He descends to raise us up and enable us to live a life of wonder!
Jesus Revealing the Nature of God on Earth
Alistair Bullen 25 Apr
What was really important to Jesus? What was His ministry really built around? And what was His legacy?
The Promised Land
Julie Ioakeim 11 Apr
Sometimes we have to move out of our comfort zone to have our prayers answered
Video |
Three Impacts of Easter
Mary Porter 4 Apr
How the Easter story has changed the world
The miracle of Lazarus
Dorothy Basham 20 Mar
The miracle of life, given not just for Lazarus but for us all today.
A Tale of Two Healings
Mary Porter 21 Mar
Taking a look at Signs of New Life from two miracles in John's gospel.
Freedom from fear
Ceri Davies 14 Mar
God's heart is that we would never live in fear: how do we manage that? The answer lies in living as dearly loved children and not as orphans.
The Feeding of the 5,000: In Partnership With God
Simon Tempest 28 Feb
Simon considers how Jesus partners with the disciples to feed the multitude in the wilderness, and looks at what happens between Him and the crowd.
Living by Law or Love
Andy Read 21 Feb
The healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda is amazing as a miracle. But in the story of this healing, in looking at how Jesus approached the man, cared for him and dealt with criticism we can see some important principles for life in God’s Kingdom.
How Big Is Your Love
Gill Stott 14 Feb
Two friends help us think through the challenge posed by the "impossible love commandment" of Deut.6 v 5 - with some surprising results!
Water Into Wine - but so much more!
Julie Ioakeim 7 Feb
A more in-depth look at the significance of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony and Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine.
Clay In Our Father's Hands
Dorothy Basham 31 Jan
How we can allow ourselves to be 'moulded' into someone that walks and shines Jesus. Into some one that is willing to yield in every area so that we being Him glory.
We are the Light of the World
Colin Barnes 24 Jan
Jesus is the light of the world, helping us live joyfully despite the difficult days. Colin unpacks a couple of ways we can live as anointed followers of Jesus, helping him drive out the darkness that seeks to oppress us and those we live amongst.
The Gospel in Prophetic Names
Mary Porter 17 Jan
Jesus' ministry laid out in the prophetic names of the "begats" in Matthew 1: 1-17.
Click here to watch / listen to the River Together meeting 10 Jan |
Christmas Message
Julie Ioakeim 20 Dec
The Christmas Message told by Julie
Saul to Paul
George Port 13 Dec
A story to tell
Spirit Led Witnesses
Colin Barnes 06 Dec
Colin takes us to the river as he inspires us to become hope filled fishers of men.
Know God
Dorothy Basham 29 Nov
walk in obedience and be compelled by Holy Spirit.
Our help in times of trouble
Steve Clifford 22 Nov
Drawing on personal experience Tabby tells her 2020 story and how she has found blessing and experienced grace through very difficult circumstances.
God of Miracles
Julie Ioakeim 15 Nov
Julie shares a few testimonies of how God is still the God of breakthrough and miracles
Who Do You Think You Are
Florence Peters 8 Nov
Discover your identity as sons and daughters of the Most High to live victorious lives.
What’s Now, and What’s Next Part 1 of 2
Mary Porter 25 Oct
A message of where we are now spiritually as a church, and then where do we go from here.
Witnesses to Gentiles
Florence Peters 11 Oct
God's love, his grace and his salvation is for the whole world.
Living in the Unknown
Andy Read 4 Oct
Living as People of the Spirit isn’t always predictable or easy. The early church found that it shattered their preconceptions -but also that as they stepped out in faith, God was always with them.
Staying In Jerusalem
Mary Porter 27 Sep
The Holy Spirit uses us wherever we are
Acts 2, Holy Spirit Transformation
Julie Ioakeim 20 Sep
Receive Holy Spirit
The gift of Holy Spirit
Dorothy Basham 13 Sep
As the disciples received, so that same gift is offered to us today.
Inexpressible Joy!
Colin Barnes 6 Sep
Discover how we can live in great joy despite the difficult circumstances and trials of life.
George Port 30 Aug
White flag to purple and gold banner.
Florence shares part of her prayer journey using the Lord's prayer
Florence Peters 23 Aug
A walk through part of the Lord's prayer using God's names to remind us of who God is to us.
Look forward and run with me
Julie Ioakeim 09 Aug
There were times when God felt it was so important to look forward and not hold onto the past that He even changed people’s names as a reminder
Remembering to remember
Gill Stott 26 July
The power and vital importance of rightfully remembering what God has done |
Overcoming Fear
Mary Porter 19 July
Looking at how to stay fear-free in these troubled times.
Prepare for More
Debi Tran 5 July
Get ready and position yourself for more.
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Dorothy Basham 28 June
Know God's peace in our hearts as we look towards Jesus, enabling us to be peacemakers in our lifetime.
George Port 21 June
The wholeness of God
Mercy to Mercy
Mary Porter 14 June
Taking a look at different aspects of Mercy from Matthew 5: 7
The Righteousness Hungry
Andy Read 7 June
In the Kingdom of Heaven, the dispossessed get justice
If We Could See What God Can See
Julie ioakeim 31 May
Clinging to Jesus
Colin Barnes 24 May
Colin reveals how the Gospel of John begins by declaring that Jesus is the fulfilment of all God's plans in creation, and how dwelling in that knowledge helps us live well through these tough days.
Blessed are the meek
Mary Porter 17 May
Taking a look at being blessed by walking in the power of meekness
A Journey Through Revelation 21: 1-5
Dorothy Basham 10 May
Recognising that God's eternal plan to dwell with us never changes!
God Blesses Those Who Are Poor In Spirit
Juliet Ioakeim 3 May
Trusting in God opens the door to His blessings.
Our Good Shepherd
George Port 26 April
Comfort and encouragement.
Resurrection Day
Mary Porter 12 April
What could your Resurrection Day look like.
This Is The Time To Build God's Temple
Juliet Ioakeim 5 April
Julie teaches us how we can build God's Temple in our everyday lives
Dorothy Encourages Us From Isaiah
Dorothy Basham 29 March
Remembering who we are as we continue to pray through confusing times. |
Listening to God
Juliet Ioakeim 15 March
God's full blessing is released when we listen to His guidance and not mans. David listened and was known as a man after God's own heart. |
The Key To Serving God
Dorothy Basham 08 March
Dorothy explains the key to serving God through the stories of Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. |
Elijah - the man who stood up
Colin Barnes 01 March
Elijah learned he could trust the Lord to answer his call. Along the way he also realised that his highs were not as high as he'd hoped and his lows were not as low as he feared. Of all the Old Testament characters, he moved in miracle-waking power the most like Jesus. However, he was a man, 'just like us', and his real strength was listening to the still small voice of God. |
Freely giving becomes freely receiving in Jesus' upside-down Kingdom!
Gill Stott 23 February
We just cannot out-give God! As we sharpened our prophetic tools through activation today, we freely gave AND received special personal revelation and encouragement. |
A gift from God to God
George Port 16 February
Faithfulness to a faithful God.
Julie Ioakeim 09 Febuary
Hannah, the woman who lays all before the Lord. |
Jabez, The Man Who Was Blessed
Colin Barnes 02 February
Colin unpacks how Jabez overcame the curse of his name through his faith in a God who loves to bless, protect and provide. A God who hears and answers sincere prayer. |
Sarah's Laughter
Mary Porter 26 January
Seeing how a cheerful heart heals |
Moving Forward Into The New Season
Florence Peters 19 January
Florence recounts River Slough’s history and anticipates our future with God with great excitement. |
Vision and Hope Part 2
Mary Porter 05 January
Focusing on Hope through changes. |