As we still seem to find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic almost a year later, things can sometimes feel tough and isolating. It has affected us all very differently.
But there are still stories of hope and the great faithfulness of God. This is one such story.
In December 2019 my son Jason who had worked as an Executive Head Chef and Head Chef for many years decided to start his own business teaching Vegan Cookery classes, he worked hard creating new recipes, promoting them, finding venues to work from and building up his first classes all ready to start in March 2020. He quit his job and sold his only large asset his car and invested it into his business, and then the pandemic took off and Lockdown was put into force.
All the classes were cancelled and he found all the money he had invested gone in an instant and he also had no job and an old banger of a car which he had initially thought he would be able to replace after the classes started. It was a really tough time, and he was feeling very low, but each time we spoke he would say “Don’t worry Mum, we’ve been through tougher than this and God will bring us through, He always does”. His strength and trust in God inspired me.
Then around November last year someone asked Jason to come and look at a property with him, when Jason went, to his surprise the man offered Jason some options, either be His manager and start a new restaurant or take on the property on himself and pay rent to him. The property was huge and Jason didn’t know how he would be able to take it on himself, but this person/investor said Jason wouldn’t have to start paying rent until he opened the restaurant and he would help with the initial set up for a percentage of the profit as he trusted in Jason. So after praying and talking about it Jason decided to go for it, this opportunity and a restaurant of this size was nothing short of a miracle. So for a couple of months Jason has worked tirelessly organising, preparing and fixing, he has also had help and support from his brother and his friends decorating and painting chairs, tables, picture frames, and whatever is needed.
So after lots of discussions and jokes about what he would name it, a couple of weeks ago the new sign finally went up. There had been lots of ideas of what to call it but most of the names he thought of seemed to already be taken, so as the restaurant is on the corner of Bond Street, and his name begins with J, there were lots of laughs and jokes about ‘J’ Bond, (I’m a huge fan of James Bond lol) but finally Jason decided on ‘Bond Street Restaurant and Bar’, which is situated in Hull. 
Initially it will open as a takeaway until things calm down and he can open as a restaurant. But the local newspaper have now printed a story about Jason and the restaurant, (click here to read the article).
Now Jason is also being asked to go on TV and radio as they feel his story is a story of hope.
Isn’t God wonderful and faithful!!!!!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Julie Ioakeim - Slough Congregation
Julie Ioakeim, 06/02/2021