Faith to Possess The Land
Our Guest speaker at this meeting was Paula Weston, who is joint leader with her husband Paul of the Southern region of the Pioneer Network.
Paula Weston 
Easter 2024
Guest speaker Linda (leader of the London region of the Pioneer Network), speaks from John 20 about the encounter that Mary Magdalene had with Jesus on that first Easter Sunday. Never forget that Jesus knows YOUR name!
The link above is to Linda's talk alone (39 mins, MP3 audio). Or watch the video of the whole meeting:
Linda Ward
Let's Run The Race Together
At the meeting formally marking the day when River Church became four River Churches, Steve asserts that now is not the time for settling down, but rather there is plenty more to come, so let's run together.
The link above is to Steve's talk alone (19 mins, MP3 audio). A larger MP3 file which contains the commissioning activities and prayers too can be accessed here. Or watch the video of the whole meeting:
Steve Clifford
It's Time To Shine!
Guest Speaker Ness Wilson, Leader of Pioneer UK, encourages us to be bold in seeking to impact our communities more deeply by reaching out in three ways: relationally, practically and spiritually.
Ness Wilson
Outworking of River's Vision in 2021
Ceri outlines some Central Team initiatives for River for the coming year, including in particular investment into "online church" through employing Adam Chisnall to grow the effectiveness of all the River Churches in this key area. Includes worship, an interview with Adam and Colin leading his (Adam's) commissioning.
Ceri Davies
An Interview with Lindz West
Keith Grafham interviews his mate Lindz - LZ7 founder and ex-River member - about his team's exceptional online ministry to the nation's young people - see
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Lindz West
Somebody Please Hear Our Voice
Billy speaks about the need for the church to respond to the issues raised by the 'Black Lives Matter' debate. Before you listen to the talk please watch this YouTube video.
Billy Kennedy
Stepping Out Of The Shadows Slides
How well we live through these strange lock-down days will very much depend on which story we're living in. Jesus prepared his disciples to live well under the shadow of the cross, and Colin explains that we can also experience hope, joy and peace despite the painful challenges we face.
Colin Barnes
Simple Prayer Slides
This was an extra special event just before the start of our 21 days of prayer and fasting, where Pete Greig (of 24/7 Prayer and author of “How To Pray”) spoke to us and we heard his incredible heart for prayer and connecting with God! If you haven't heard him speak, don't miss this. Pete makes you laugh, cry and makes you just want to be with the Lord like never before. |
Pete Greig
Living Without Hurry Slides
Ceri brings a new year / new decade challenge to us all. Are we simply too busy to follow Jesus as we really want to? Let's be courageous to change our habits, to slow down and live with less hurry.
Ceri's family news regarding the River Slough congregation can be found here for those with website login. |
Ceri Davies |
Rejuvenation Slides
Following on from his word about "Renovation" last year, Stephen brings this new thought for the River family . As we look to bring the life of Jesus and His kingdom wherever we are, let's allow Him to rejuvenate us - in our heart-health, our thinking, and our actions: our WHY (heart), HOW (head) and WHAT (hands). |
Stephen Klemich |
God is Bigger... Slides
Duane White - long time friend of River from Texas - brings a prophetic word for all the River churches at this special mid-week meeting held in Marlow during August 19. |
Duane White
This is Us Slides
Ceri Davies asks: who are we as the River Church family and what are we called to? Why are we here and how are we going to outwork that purpose in our localities in this season? She introduces the refreshed expression of the River vision (see slides) and explains how it will bring much life to us, to our churches and to our communities. |
Ceri Davies
Pioneering in Mission and Discipleship Slides
Ness Wilson explains Pioneer's four core characteristics - we are Relational, Missional, Charismatic and Kingdom-orientated. She challenges us all to continue to be pioneers in the way we reach out and in pursuing life-long discipleship. |
Ness Wilson
Being a People of Courage Slides
Ceri asks who are we, or rather - who are we going to choose to be in 2019? Will we paddle, wade or be ready to get out of our depth in the river? Will we be courageous in pursuing radical passion, in always being ready to show and tell others about God, and are we truly committed to the local church we have chosen to be a part of?
Members only - Farewell to Andrew and Mavis |
Ceri Davies
A Message of 'R's Slides
Stephen brings a 'Now' Word for River, as we start a new season under Ceri's leadership, about Renovation, Restoration and Rejuvenation.
Stephen Klemich
23Sep18 New Season Sunday
Excited for the future! Colin Barnes briefly reviews his time leading River and looks forward to what God will do next, thanking some of those who have been most significant in supporting him during the 8 years.
Same God, same Promises, same Anointing Billy Kennedy speaks briefly about landmark occasions and then leads a time of commissioning of Ceri and her new team (Ian Linton, Simon Tempest, Andy Read, Colin Barnes). Ceri then thanks Colin for his leadership and presents a gift from the whole church,
History Makers and Hero Makers Slides Ceri Davies calls us to recommit ourselves to live for God as River enters this new season; He hasn't finished with us yet - there is so much more to move into.
Praying for the Leaders Simon Tempest leads us in praying for the leaders of all four River Churches. |
Colin Barnes

Billy Kennedy

Ceri Davies

Simon Tempest
God Is Kinder Than We Think Slides
Colin talks about the incredible kindness of God - He is far kinder than we think! Let a fresh revelation of this aspect of His character refresh you today, and be brave to step out in taking it to others. |
Colin Barnes
Resilient Faith in an Uncertain World
These are uncertain times, and as a Christian community we're having to learn to live in a society which is sometimes hostile. Steve asserts however that whilst we might see occasional opposition there is also incredible opportunity for the gospel to have greater impact.
Link to video about The Evangelical Alliance (opens in new window) |
Steve Clifford
The Grace Slides
In a fitting message for the start of a new year Colin unwraps 2 Corinthians 13:14, commonly known as 'The Grace'
Colin Barnes
The Discipline of Community
Billy (leader of Pioneer) reminds us that it's vital for the mission of the church and for our individual growth that we thrive in community. This can be difficult to achieve in a 'Minster' / resource church like River which is dispersed and so diverse, for various reasons. We cannot accurately represent God to the World without living in community. |
Billy Kennedy
God's Heart & Call for River Slides
Colin speaks from Ephesians 1, reminding us that we have every blessing in Christ and about the six key actions we have been called to do as a result.
Link to the new 'River Streams' teaching and discipleship programme. |
Colin Barnes
Do it now! (because sometimes 'later' becomes 'never')
Paul (Senior Leader of New Generation Church in Sidcup) enourages us to listen for God's whisper and to act on it, and recounts the amazing story of how Sidcup's Hope Community School came to be set up. |
Paul Weston
Here is a taster of LZ7's music:
Lindz West
Singing the Lord's song in a strange land
How do we serve God faithfully when the environment and the circumstances aren't in our favour? For a start, we need to get on the pitch!
Billy Kennedy
The talk given at the September River Together was not recorded due to the sensitive nature of some of the content. |
Building Bridges Slides
Speaking from the story of the woman at the well, James asserts that a harvest is near ('the one will bring the many'), and encourages us to build bridges to our local communities and to other groups, to act in wisdom and to reach out to all generations.
James Treasure
Wherever the river flows ... it will bring life Slides
Colin introduces River's new logo and explains what it tries to communicate: that we are flowing, moving, lively bunch of people who aim to bring life in the name of Jesus wherever we go.
Colin Barnes
Dr. Sharon Stone blessed the four congregations at River Together with her prophetic words. Sharon is based in Windsor and is part of Christian International Europe: a group of ministers/ministries dedicated to helping the Body of Christ fulfil its God-given destiny and transform our world. She is known for her accurate prophetic gifting, and the first thing others say about her is that she sees the best and brings out greatness in others. She didn't disappoint!
Sharon Stone
Prayer that shakes the room
Brian is National Director of 24-7 Prayer in Great Britain. In this talk he encourages us to lean in to God, be persistent in our praying and always to listen out for God's prompting.
Jill's testimony
Jill tells us about what happened the other week in Slough city centre after she asked God to arrange a 'divine appointment'.
Brian Heasley
You are the light Slides
Colin encourages us to spread the good news at every opportunity because, after all, we are the light of the world (says Jesus in Matthew 5:14). As we've been blessed, in turn let's bless others. It's time to shine!
Colin Barnes
Heavens Signs and Missions Gateways
Julian Richards visits from the Cornerstone Church in Swansea. He tells us how Jesus told us to spread the word of God to all people, and therefore apostles spread the good news about Jesus to all.
Julian Richards
Journey of the Heart Slides
Andy speaks about the journey of discipleship, and introduces ' HeartLife' as a potentially extremely valuable tool for anyone wishing to assess their progress.
Andy Read
Steve Clifford talks about being sent - how we are sent and called by Jesus to follow him and to spread his teaching around the world. We just need to be open the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Steve Clifford
Becoming Good News Slides
Colin explains how we can be good news in 2015 through reading the word (Look on the face of Christ), through who we are (Love everyone we meet) and through what we do (Live like heaven is near).
Colin Barnes
Pushing through into healing
Ceri considers the ups and downs of praying for healing, recounting some of her own journey on the subject. She encourages us to be bold and not to give up praying for those who need a healing touch from God. |
Ceri Davies
The Spirit of Adoption
Colin explains what it means to be adopted into the family of God, and the hope that this brings. |
Colin Barnes
Link to RiverFest:14 audio, video and photos -
The River network weekend away with guest speakers Dary Northrop and Carl WIlls, and the theme 'Face to Face'. |
18May14 My Mission Journey
Slides Photos 'Father of Lights' video 'No Child Taken' video
Dave introduces the morning's theme speaking first to Richard Emmett about Malawi and then to Alison Hopkinson about Tearfund and her upcoming trip to Cambodia
Next Dave chats to Nigel & Karen about the journey that led them to Berlin, and then to Dave & Charlotte via Skype about their move overseas
Dave then talks to Terry Murphy about his links with Sierra Leone and finally Andy Read sums up the morning and urges us all to take a new step today on our own mission journey
Listen |
With host Dave Vann
The Power of Story Slides 'We are One in Christ' poem Photos
Colin explains the 'Power of Story' and points out that our story is in fact very similar in key respects to that of Jesus! |
Colin Barnes
12Jan14 GOLD values
Listen Slides Photos
Dave brings fresh perspectives on our GOLD values - Goodness, Openness, Love and Dynamic power.
(links to the video clips are given in the slides). |
Dave Jones
17Nov13 Working with the Spirit
Listen Slides Photos
God is looking for people to work through to bring in the harvest. Colin talks about the relevance of this to the current restructuring of River Church as it becomes the River Network.
Rachel Odeniyi / Nepal Trip Report
Listen Slides
Wayne Dixon / Christian Connections in Schools
Listen Slides |
Colin Barnes
15Sep13 On earth as it is in heaven
Listen Slides
Colin unpacks the meaning of this short phrase from the Lord's prayer and challenges us to say 'send me'.
Colin Barnes
14Jul13 LZ7 Update
Listen Photos
Lindz reports on what LZ7 have been up to recently, with moving accounts of lives being turned round, 100's of schools visited, 1000's of young people saying yes to Jesus; and invites us to share in the next phase of their work.
Video: River does 'The Strobot' |
Lindz West
19May13 The Cost of the Calling
Listen Slides Photos
Vicky talks about the joy and pain of "taking up our cross" and following Jesus in relation to each of us fulfilling what he has called us to.
Also: -
Commissioning the Moodys to lead the Slough congregation Listen Photo
Vicky's change of central team role Listen
Vicky Earll
10Mar13 Missions Sunday - Being A Kingdom Investor
Duane talks passionately about giving to the Kingdom and in particular to mission.
Prophetic words for Riverchurch and for individuals
Missions team 2013 "Meet our missionaries" video
Mission trip opportunities 2013
Duane White
13Jan13 Vision 2013 - You are the light of the world
Listen Slides Photos
Colin shares his vision for River in 2013 and reminds us that (Jesus said) we are the light of the world. What will this mean for us individually and corporately in 2013? |
Colin Barnes
11Nov12 God at work
Listen Slides Photos
Colin explains how God often works in our lives - in response to our faith and actions, not just in answer to prayers. He then challenges us to let God "show Himself strong" through us in various ways,
Ian Linton is to join the Central team Listen
Congregation testimonies Listen
Snippet from the worship time Listen
A Word about God's love Listen
Colin Barnes
16Sep12 One
Listen Slides Photos
Andy speaks with passion about one of the exciting things that God is doing in the UK church - making us One.
Andy Read
13May12 Tearfund in action
Pastor Cuthbert (Malawi) video Moses (Uganda) video Cambodia video
Virgina (who works for Tearfund) shares stories from round the world which demonstrate how that organisation works effectively with local churches to transform lives. |
Virginia Luckett
11Mar12 Essence - the manifesto of Jesus
Listen Slides
Roger talks about the essence of Jesus' message to the world and unpacks what it means to be a "Kingdom smoothie". |
Roger Ellis
15Jan12 Live Like Heaven is Near
Vicky gives an passionate talk about what it means to "live like heaven is near" (the third aim of the River community). Share your stories by emailing them to
Testimonies from the congregations
Praying for Ceri Francis in her new role overseeing worship across River
Listen |
Vicky Earll
27Nov11 The Aims of Community
Listen Slides
Colin describes the three things that need to happen if we are to see River's vision fulfilled. Are you a 'thin place'?
Testimonies from the congregations
Honouring & praying for Christen and Judith as they take their next step
Colin Barnes
Photos from the whole morning

04Sep11 Keep fresh and avoid well-meaning brothers in law

In more of a chat than a "Word", Georgian brings insight and wisdom with humour.
Georgian Banov
10Jul11 The Heart of Mission
Listen Slides (Bono: clip1 clip2) Photos
Andy speaks about what is at the heart of mission, and encourages us to get more involved in praying, giving and going.
Asha in Delhi
Listen Link to video clip
Daughters of Cambodia
Listen Link to clip
Glowing Life home in Thailand
Larchfield Festival '11 report
BIG Year Nepal Mission trip report
Listen |
Andy Read
08May11 Hidden Manna and a New name
Christen explores the dynamic of private prayer that releases the transitions of life. |
Christen Forster
13Mar11 Unity and Intimacy
Colin speaks about the importance of unity with each other and intimacy with God. |
Colin Barnes
16Jan11 Go out with boldness to bring in the harvest
Listen Slides Photos
The Kennedys encourage River to get out there - we're already prepared and equipped to succeed.
(Billy and Caroline head up the Pioneer network, of which River is a part)
Billy & Caroline Kennedy
05Dec10 The start of a new move of God?
Christen is looking forward to 2011 - listen to hear why. |
Christen Forster
26Sep10 The Wedding Invitation
Listen Slides
Colin takes as his text Matthew 22:1-14, speaking about weddings, and in particular the ultimate wedding of Jesus and His church.
Worship time video
Colin Barnes
27Jun10 Transition of Central Team Leadership Recorded at the 2nd 'River Together' meeting
Commissioning Christen
Listen Slides
Colin describes Christen's new role, and then River's central team, together with Billy & Caroline Kennedy, and Stephen & Mara Klemich, commission Christen.
Commissioning Colin and Vicky
Christen speaks into the handover of the leadership of River's central team to Colin and Vicky. Billy & Caroline Kennedy and the rest of the team then bring prayers of commissioning. After this Colin talks about the emphases God is calling him to bring, and then Billy rounds off the meeting.
To see some photos from this meeting click on the picture below (pop up window will open).
The Klemichs
The Kennedys
Al Bullen
and Andy Read & Linda Southwood
28Mar10 The Church I Live For
Listen Accompanying slides
Andy explores what Jesus said about the church, by looking at Matthew 16 and 18. Recorded at the first "River Together" meeting. |
Andy Read
15Nov09 Personal Transformation
Christen shares from his personal journey in seeking genuine inner change that is not just behaviour management, but a healing at the deepest level of bad motives and inclinations. He examines the relationship between the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit and our requirement to co-operate in the change. |
Christen Forster
21Jun09 Addicted to mission
Duane admits that he has a problem - he's addicted to mission! A passionate and inspiring talk. |
Duane White
14Sep08 Roy Fields 'We Are The Generation' UK Tour (Maidenhead leg)
Main talk part 1: Listen
Main talk part 2: Listen
Worship parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Roy Fields
14Sep08 River Quarterly "Big Gathering"
Religion vs the Spirit:
Christen comments on the negative press given to the Lakeland Outpouring by some Christians and outlines the history of how the Holy Spirit has moved over the centuries, also often provoking opposition from the current religious authorities. |
Christen Forster  |