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How to give to River

There are two main ways in which financial gifts may be given to River church. They are: giving directly, and giving via a third party charity.  These methods of giving are NOT mutually exclusive.  You may use one or both of them. 

Giving direct to River

Adhoc and regular gifts given by any means can be increased by 25% at no cost to you if you are a tax payer (Please see Gift Aid page).

  • Via Standing Order: This authorises your bank to transfer a fixed sum to River on a regular basis - usually monthly but you are free to specify a different interval (from weekly to annually).  Standing Order forms can be download from here for you to use to notify the bank.  It is helpful if you could drop a note to the office if you amend/start/stop a Standing Order so that we know what to expect on the bank statements.
  • Via Meeting Offerings: Some people prefer to give physically a regular amount (cash or cheque) into the offering at a Sunday meeting as part of their worship.
  • Via Bank Transfer:  CAF Bank     Account No: 00013816     Sort Code: 40-52-40     NB If you use this method please ensure that the you give your full name as reference, so that we know who the gift is from and can claim gift aid (where appropriate).
  • Via Text Message: Text RIVERMAIDENHEAD or RIVERMARLOW or RIVERJOURNEY or RIVERSLOUGH or RIVERTOGETHER followed by a space then a whole number between 1-20 (indicating how many £ you wish to give) to 70085 (no other spaces). Please note there is a £20 daily limit.
    - e.g. text RIVERMARLOW 10 to give £10 into Marlow's budgets.
    - if successful, a follow-up text will ask if you want to register for gift aid (for giving made by text). If yes, complete the declaration.

Giving to River via a 3rd Party Charity

  • Give As You Earn / Payroll Giving: It is possible to have giving taken directly from your salary before tax is deducted.  You would need to check if your employer can operate this system.  This type of giving is done through a third party such as Sovereign Giving or Charities Aid Foundation.  They deduct a small handling charge (2.5% - 4% which is sometimes covered by your employer) but it is still efficient because the tax hasn’t been deducted.  Some employers also operate some form of ‘matching’ against their employees’ giving.  Packs from Sovereign Giving and Charities Aid Foundation are available in River Meetings or from the Church Office.
  • Charity Voucher/Cheque Accounts: Stewardship Services, Sovereign Giving and Charities Aid Foundation operate special ‘charity voucher/cheque’ accounts.  An individual gives to the Agency who claims any Gift Aid tax due as well.  The money is held in a ‘pseudo bank account’ and the individual can set up regular standing orders in favour of River or write ‘pseudo cheques/vouchers’ on a one off basis.  The third party takes a small handling fee.(2.5% - 4%).   Since tax is already included in the Payroll Giving or Charity Cheque/ Voucher Accounts, there is no further tax to be reclaimed by River.

Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme is available to anyone who pays tax. It is the easiest way for River to recover the basic rate income tax that you have paid on the gift. As a tax payer, it costs you nothing but if you don’t pay tax or stop paying tax and don’t tell us, the Government will ask you for the tax directly. Click here to find out more.

Thank you for the generosity in supporting the work of God’s Kingdom through River Church.