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My name is Anjiemyn Vaniyathu , I thank God with all my heart and soul for healing my mother, 77 yrs old. My mother had a thrombo-embolic stroke (travelling clot) and rushed to Emergency Department last 10th of January 2025.

The CT scan revealed 80% of her brain was affected, the doctor has pronounced her “Brain Dead”, she was comatose, they said even if she wakes up she will be blind, deaf, mute or cannot even move at all (in vegetative state) because of the locations of the clots in her brain.

But God is so good, He heard the prayers of the faithful ones. She woke up after 48 hours in coma. Miraculously she can see, hear and talk, though unable to move her right arm and leg because the most affected part was the left side of her brain.

I'm grateful for every person who took their time to really pray for my mom and to my friend who is the instrument of God to provide the medical equipment and supplies that she needs when she returned back home. Yes, she was discharged from the hospital after 2 weeks of admission.

After a month, the CT scan remained the same but her recovery was very fast she can now sit, eat on her own, stand and walk with assistance. God indeed is our Great Healer. She is healed declared the Lord!

Thank God for his steadfast love and his wonderful works. All the Praise, Power, Honour and Glory be to God the Father through the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the promises of His Son Jesus Christ.

Psalms 107:20: He sent forth his word, and healed them, and delivered them from destruction.


My name is Dorothy Basham.

I’d had a very busy week and my body was aching, my bones in my fingers, my shoulders, knees all ached, I wasn’t able to kneel down without pain in my knee. This was not like me and being 60 I began to think what it could be; the possibilities of arthritis entered my head. I decided not to accept this as God says we walk in His strength and He is our healer.

At church on Sunday, I knew that I needed prayer, people were praying in a circle and I seemed to be at the end, the last one.  But a friend prayed over me, a simple prayer. to be honest I didn’t feel anything at the time, but relieved that someone had prayed for me, trusting that God was healing me.

The next day though, my bones were not aching, I had no pain and Jesus had healed me. My knee was not 100% but is improving every day, I will praise and thank the one true living God, I will kneel before Him.


by Julie Cannon.

My faith in God is so strong but the miracles at Slough are amazing. Even if we have a small group, our healing increases. We don't have to even ask. 
Once my back was so bad in the morning I nearly couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't stand straight and walk very well. I wanted to get to church that morning. I drove slowly but determined.  As soon as I walked in people saw I was in pain. During the singing I felt someone's hands on me. They were praying over me and I felt calm in the moment. As they carried on I felt strong and decided to stand up. The pain had gone and I could stand straight again. I realised that I'd been completely healed.
I am so grateful to God with everything He does for me. But that day I was humbled.


My name is Florence Peters.

I was in excruciating pain for over two weeks with gout in my left foot, ankle and leg which were swollen so much that I was not able to put shoes on, I was not able to sleep at night as even a slight touch of the bed sheet would cause the severe pain to shoot up my entire leg.

I took pain killers, applied pain relief gels etc. But to no effect, the only relief came through tears.

I was not able to walk or even stand. Then on Sunday 15th September 2024 our pastor and the leadership team came to my house, they laid hands on me and commanded the gout, the pain and discomfort to leave my body in the name of Jesus. Within a short time all the swelling disappeared, there was no more pain, I sensed ease and flexibility in my foot and my leg, I was able to walk without any discomfort, I started laughing that turned into praise and worship to the name of Jesus our healer, restorer, our peace and our joy. All praise, honour and glory to His holy name. Amen.


by Mary Porter.

I had been experiencing lots of pain in my left knee, along with gout and swelling in both feet, as well as some kind of lump in my inner hip area.

After receiving prayer with the laying on of hands, as scripture tells us, I have been able to wear correct shoes. My knee is significantly better, and that lump has diminished in size daily so that it is no longer causing the extreme pain that I had been experiencing.

Praise God for that healing touch through the Name of Jesus, and the obedience of those who prayed for me.